1. Letter from E. Bawyer to Samuel Wesley Creator: Bawyer, E. Date: between 1800 and 1837 Format: Text Access: Public
2. Letter from John Bennet to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley - March 20, 1751 Creator: Bennet, John Date: March 20, 1751 Format: Text Access: Public
3. Typed transcript of note written by Ann Robinson to Charles Jones in a Georgia county jail during the Albany Movement. Ink on toilet paper Creator: Browning, Joan C. Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
4. Typed transcript of communications from Joan Browning and Norma Collins in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Ink and pencil on paper towel fragment Creator: Browning, Joan C. and Collins, Norma Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
5. Letter from Reverend Lamar Clements, Acting Chairman of the Atlanta Council on Human Relations, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department store, urging Mr. Rich to enter in negotiations with Mayor William B. Hartsfield regarding the segregation of the lunch counters at Rich's department stores Creator: Clements, Lamar Date: 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
6. Letter from the Committee on Appeal For Human Rights to the William B. Hartsfield, Mayor of Atlanta, discussing logistical concerns for negotiations regarding segregation in Atlanta - November 1, 1960 Creator: Committee on Appeal For Human Rights Date: November 1, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
7. Letter from Matthew Cooke to Charles Wesley junior - July 10, [No Year] Creator: Cooke, Matthew, 1761?-1829 Date: July 10, year unknown Format: Text Access: Public
8. Letter from Joseph Cownley to Charles Wesley [Newcastle upon Tyne] - July 22, 1779 Creator: Cownley, Joseph, 1723-1792 Date: July 22, 1779 Format: Text Access: Public
9. Letter from John Wesley Dobbs to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, ending his business relationship with Rich's department store because of the stores lack of movement to ending segregation - September 16, 1960 Creator: Dobbs, John Wesley, 1882-1961 Date: September 16, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
10. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to "My dearest madam" Hill, College, South Wales, May 19, 1774 Creator: Erskine, Anne Agnes, Lady, 1739-1804 and Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: May 19, 1774 Format: Text Access: Public
11. Letter from Clement A. Evans (Atlanta, Georgia) to the Adjutant of Raphael Semmes camp (Mobile, Alabama) regarding the publication of a multi-volume Confederate Military History series and asking for assistance in the editorial work to come - January 6, 1900 Creator: Evans, Clement A. Date: January 6, 1900 Format: Text Access: Public
12. Letter from Clement A. Evans to General William E. Mickle (Atlanta, Georgia) - February 2, 1906 Creator: Evans, Clement A. Date: February 2, 1906 Format: Text Access: Public
13. Letter from John Fletcher to Charles Wesley, Madeley - October 13, 1771 Creator: Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 Date: October 13, 1771 Format: Text Access: Public
14. Communications between Joan Browning and Jim Forman in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Ink on paper towel fragment. Includes typed transcript Creator: Forman, James, 1928-2005 and Browning, Joan C. Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
15. Communication between Jim Forman and Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Ink on paper towel. Includes typed transcript Creator: Forman, James, 1928-2005 and Browning, Joan C. Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
16. Note written by Jim Forman to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Ink on paper towel[?]. Includes typed transcript Creator: Forman, James, 1928-2005 Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
17. Note written by Jim Forman to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Ink on paper napkin. Includes typed transcript Creator: Forman, James, 1928-2005 Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
18. Letter from Richard Freeman to John Wesley - 1779 Creator: Freeman, Richard Date: 1779 Format: Text Access: Public
19. Letter from John Gaulter to Charles Wesley junior, Rochester - November 20, 1828 Creator: Gaulter, John, 1765-1839 Date: November 20, 1828 Format: Text Access: Public
20. Letter from John Gaulter to Charles Wesley junior - November 21, 1828 Creator: Gaulter, John, 1765-1839 Date: November 21, 1828 Format: Text Access: Public
21. Letter from John Gaulter to Sarah Wesley, Spitalfields [London] - May 26, 1825 Creator: Gaulter, John, 1765-1839 Date: May 26, 1825 Format: Text Access: Public
22. Letter from Maud Gonne to William Butler Yeats about not liking his poem "Easter, 1916" - November 8, 1916 Creator: Gonne, Maud, 1866-1953 Date: November 8, 1916 Format: Text Access: Log In Required
23. Letter from Maud Gonne to William Butler Yeats - Gonne urges Yeats to focus on his poetry and to discontinue seeing her if it is too difficult for him - December 1899 Creator: Gonne, Maud, 1866-1953 Date: December 1899 Format: Text Access: Log In Required
24. Letter from Maud Gonne to William Butler Yeats. In the letter, Gonne explains that she is the father to his poems and Yeats the mother - September 15, 1911 Creator: Gonne, Maud, 1866-1953 Date: September 15, 1911 Format: Text Access: Log In Required
25. Letter from William B. Hartsfield, Mayor of Atlanta, to Reverend Otis Moss Jr. regarding boycotts related to segregation - November 2, 1960 Creator: Hartsfield, William Berry Date: November 2, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
26. Letter from Jessie Hill Jr., Chairman of the Citizens Negotiations Committee, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, requesting a meeting between the Citizen's Negotiations Committee and Richard H. Rich - August 30, 1960 Creator: Hill Jr., Jessie Date: August 30, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
27. Letter from Jesse Hill Jr. to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding the lack of restrooms for Black customers - March 10, 1958 Creator: Hill, Jessie Jr. Date: March 10, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
28. Letter from Jessie Hill Jr. to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to his letter sent on June 19th, thanking him for the recent announcment that a new restroom for Black women customers will be added, but disappointed in the news that the other restrooms for Black customers will still be located in the basement and offers suggestions on how new bathrooms can be constructed for the Black community - June 24, 1958 Creator: Hill, Jessie Jr. Date: June 24, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
29. Letter from Christopher Hopper to Charles Wesley, Newcastle - December 16, 1759 Creator: Hopper, Christopher, 1722-1802 Date: December 16, 1759 Format: Text Access: Public
30. Letter from W. A.[?] Humphrey to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on ruled note paper - December 16, 1961. Includes typed transcript Creator: Humphrey, W. A.[?] Date: December 16, 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
31. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Thomas Powyes, undated Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: between 1707 and 1791 Format: Text Access: Public
32. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Hill, undated Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: between 1744 and 1791 Format: Text Access: Public
33. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Hill, Bath, undated Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: between 1744 and 1791 Format: Text Access: Public
34. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to [Wilks Student], January 5, 1775 Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: January 5, 1775 Format: Text Access: Public
35. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Miss HIll, December 10 Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: between 1707 and 1791 Format: Text Access: Public
36. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Mr. Carpenter and the Bath Committee, College, October 14, 1791 Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: October 14, 1785 Format: Text Access: Public
37. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to [Philip] Doddridge, undated Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: between 1707 and 1751 Format: Text Access: Public
38. Letter from Selina Hastings Huntingdon to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley, Spa-Fields, March 2, 1791 Creator: Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, Countess of, 1707-1791 Date: March 2, 1791 Format: Text Access: Public
39. Letter from William B. Kingston to Sarah Wesley, including Sarah Wesley's response - August 24, 1817 Creator: Kingston, William B. Date: August 24, 1817 Format: Text Access: Public
40. Letter from John Langshaw to Dr. [Benjamin] Cook[e] - September 28, 1778 Creator: Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 Date: September 28, 1778 Format: Text Access: Public
41. Letter from John Langshaw to Charles Wesley - September 28, 1778 Creator: Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 Date: September 28, 1778 Format: Text Access: Public
42. Letter from John Langshaw to Charles Wesley - February 15, 1779 Creator: Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 Date: February 15, 1779 Format: Text Access: Public
43. Note from Per W. Laursen to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on torn note paper. Includes typed transcript. Also included is a newspaper article detailing the arrest of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and 256 other protestors in Albany, Georgia Creator: Laursen, Per W. Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
44. Note from Per W. Laursen to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on torn lined paper. Includes typed transcript Creator: Laursen, Per W. Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
45. Letter from William Law to John Wesley Creator: Law, William Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
46. Letter from Philipp Heinrich Molther to John Wesley, London - January 25, 1740. Letter includes additional notes from Joseph Hutton, his so, Joseph Hutton, and Joseph Verding Creator: Molther, Philipp Heinrich, 1714-1780 Date: January 25, 1740 Format: Text Access: Public
47. Letter from Eliza K. Paschall, chairman of the Greater Atlanta Council on Human Relations, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding the ongoing segregation of the lunch counters at Rich's department stores - December 21, 1960 Creator: Paschall, Eliza K. Date: December 21, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
48. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Lonnie C. King, The Committee on Appeal for Human Rights, rejecting another meeting between the two due to them meeting recently and making their views on segregation known - August 10, 1960 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: August 10, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
49. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Jessie Hill Jr., Chairman of the Citizens Negotiations Committee, responding to the letter sent on August 30, 1960, expressing a reluctance for future meeting with outside committees/groups on segregation, but offering to have a personal chat on "any subject" and "at any time" - September 1, 1960 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: September 1, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
50. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to John Wesley Dobbs, expressing regret at the ending of a business relationship between John Wesley Dobbs and Rich's department stores, while stating that while services in the stores are separated by race, they are equal in quality - September 21, 1960 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: September 21, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
51. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Jewel Simon and Margaret Young, Atlanta Chapter of the Jack and Jill Club, announcing the construction of a new restroom for Black women on the fifth floor of the main building as well as an update to the restoom and eating areas to the Basement Store for Black customers - June 19, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 19, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
52. Draft letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Dolores M. Robinson, announcing the start of construction of a new restroom for Black women on the fifth floor of the main building as well as an update to the restroom and eating areas for Black customers at the Basement Store - May 28, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: May 28, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
53. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Dolores M. Robinson, announcing the construction of a new restroom for Black women on the fifth floor of the main building as well as an update to the restoom and eating areas to the Basement Store for Black customers - June 19, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 19, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
54. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Jessie Hill Jr. responding to the letter sent on March 10th, 1958, stating that the issue regarding the lack of restrooms for Black customers will be looked into - March 14, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: March 14, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
55. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Maxine T. Webb, responding to the letter sent on March 24th, 1958, stating that the bathrooms designated for Black customers will be improved but that there are no plans on changing the locations of any restrooms - March 27, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: March 27, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
56. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Maxine T. Webb, announcing the construction of a new restroom for Black women on the fifth floor of the main building as well as an update to the restoom and eating areas to the Basement Store for Black customers - June 19, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 19, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
57. Copy of letter sent from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to John Wesley Dobbs, expressing regret at the ending of a business relationship between John Wesley Dobbs and Rich's department stores, while stating that while services in the stores are separated by race, they are equal in quality - September 21, 1960 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: September 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
58. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to the letter sent by from Jewel Simon and Margaret Young, Atlanta Chapter of the Jack and Jill Club on April 14th, stating that a new restroom for Black women customers will be added and that improvements to the restrooms and eating areas in the Basement Store will be made and a second bathroom for Black women will be added in the near future - April 16, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: April 16, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
59. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to the letter sent by from Dolores M. Robinson on April 11th, stating that a new restroom for Black women will be added in the near future and that improvements to the restrooms and eating areas in the Basement Store will be made - April 16, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: April 16, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
60. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Jessie Hill Jr., announcing a plan to add a restroom for Black women customers on the fifth floor as well as a general update of facilities in the basement store, including the restrooms - June 19, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 19, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
61. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, to Jessie Hill Jr., responding to his letter sent on June 24th, thanking him for the positive feedback to the new restroom and stating that the restrooms and the eating area in the basement store will be of the same quality to those given to the white customers - June 25, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 25, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
62. Letter from Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, responding to the letter sent by J. S. Flipper and M. L. Wingfield of the Woman's Club of Atlanta on June 19th, stating that a new restroom for Black women customers will be added and that improvements to the restrooms and eating areas in the Basement Store will be made - June 20, 1958 Creator: Rich, Richard H., 1901-1975 Date: June 20, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
63. Letter from Dolores M. Robinson, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding the lack of movement on the cleaning and updating of Black facilities within the store - April 11, 1958 Creator: Robinson, Dolores M. Date: April 11, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
64. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory - October 25, 1899 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: October 25, 1899 Format: Text Access: Public
65. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory - November 11, 1922 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: November 11, 1922 Format: Text Access: Public
66. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory. Letter contains illustrations - December 18, 1900 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: December 18, 1900 Format: Text Access: Public
67. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory - October 21[?], 1897 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: October 21, 1897 Format: Text Access: Public
68. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: 1880 to 1920 Format: Text Access: Public
69. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory - April 28, 1899 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: April 28, 1899 Format: Text Access: Public
70. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory. Letter contains an illustration of William Butler Yeats standing on a soapbox - September 3, 1898 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: September 3, 1898 Format: Text Access: Public
71. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory - October 4, 1897 Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: October 4, 1897 Format: Text Access: Public
72. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory, Letter contains an illustration Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: 1880 to 1920 Format: Text Access: Public
73. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: 1880 to 1920 Format: Text Access: Public
74. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: 1880 to 1920 Format: Text Access: Public
75. Letter from George Russell (AE) (Dublin) to Augusta Gregory. Letter contains an illustration of William Butler Yeats "The Valley of the Black Pig" Creator: Russell, George William, 1867-1935 Date: 1880 to 1920 Format: Text Access: Public
76. Letter from Jewel Simon and Margaret Young, Atlanta Chapter of the Jack and Jill Club, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding the lack of updated restrooms and eating areas for Black customers within the store - April 14, 1958 Creator: Simon, Jewel and Young, Margaret Date: April 14, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
77. Typed transcript of note from Gene Singletary to Casey Hayden Creator: Singletary, Gene Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
78. Note from Lenora Taitt to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on note paper. Includes typed transcript Creator: Taitt, A. Lenora Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
79. Note written by Lenora Taitt to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on a paper fragment. Includes typed transcript Creator: Taitt, A. Lenora Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
80. Note written by Lenora Taitt to Joan Browning in the Dougherty County [Georgia] jail during the Albany Movement. Pencil on a note pad. Includes typed transcript Creator: Taitt, A. Lenora Date: December 1961 Format: Text Access: Public
81. Second letter from Jessie O. Thomas, President of the Atlanta Chapter of The Frontiers of America, Inc., to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding a possible meeting between Richard H. Rich and Mary Louise Allan, Executive Director of the Florence Crittenton Association of America. Additionally, a note regarding that Richard H. Rich would not be available to meet with Mary Louise Allan, and that someone else from the Rich's would be better suited to meet with her Creator: Thomas, Jessie O. Date: September 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
82. First letter from Jessie O. Thomas, President of the Atlanta Chapter of The Frontiers of America, Inc., to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding a possible meeting between Richard H. Rich and Mary Louise Allan, Executive Director of the Florence Crittenton Association of America - June 24, 1960 Creator: Thomas, Jessie O. Date: June 24, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
83. First letter from Jessie O. Thomas, President of the Atlanta Chapter of The Frontiers of America, Inc., to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding a possible meeting between Richard H. Rich and Mary Louise Allan, Executive Director of the Florence Crittenton Association of America - June 24, 1960 Creator: Thomas, Jessie O. Date: June 24, 1960 Format: Text Access: Public
84. Letter from Marianne Thornton to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley - January 28, 1805 Creator: Thornton, Marianne Date: January 28, 1805 Format: Text Access: Public
85. Letter from Marianne[?] Thornton to [Sarah (Gwynne)] Wesley - January 12, 1801 Creator: Thornton, Marianne [?] Date: January 12, 1801 Format: Text Access: Public
86. Letter from William Patillo Turner to Warren Akin Candler regarding Japanese objects Creator: Turner, William Pattillo, 1864-1912 Date: 1894 Format: Text Access: Public
87. Letter from Maxine T. Webb, Secretary of the MRS Club, to Richard H. Rich, President of Rich's department stores, regarding the need for improvement of the current restrooms for Black customers. Additionally, Mrs. Webb opposes the close distance between the male and female restrooms and the close distance between the eating areas and the restrooms - March 24, 1958 Creator: Webb, Maxine T. Date: March 24, 1958 Format: Text Access: Public
88. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, London - October 20, 1753 Creator: Welsey, John, 1703-1791 Date: October 20, 1753 Format: Text Access: Public
89. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, Chesterfield Street, London - December 22, 1781 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: December 22, 1781 Format: Text Access: Public
90. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, Chesterfield Street, [London] - January 27, 1783 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: January 27, 1783 Format: Text Access: Public
91. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - December 10, 1782 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: December 10, 1782 Format: Text Access: Public
92. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - June 5, 1782 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: June 5, 1782 Format: Text Access: Public
93. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, Marylebone - May 20, 1784 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: May 20, 1784 Format: Text Access: Public
94. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, Marylebone - November 4, 1783 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: November 4, 1783 Format: Text Access: Public
95. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - May 20, 1784 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: May 20, 1784 Format: Text Access: Public
96. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, Chesterfield Street, Marylebone - October 22, 1778 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: October 22, 1778 Format: Text Access: Public
97. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - December 24, 1778 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: December 24, 1778 Format: Text Access: Public
98. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - November 16, 1778 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: November 16, 1778 Format: Text Access: Public
99. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Langshaw, London - February 1, 1779 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: February 1, 1779 Format: Text Access: Public
100. Letter from Charles Wesley to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley, Bristol and Kingswood - May 5, [No Year] Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: May 5, year unknown Format: Text Access: Public