1. Zutty Singleton playing drums and symbols Creator: Hot Club. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Log In Required
2. Za kulisami, Entre les coulisses : a polish painting of a shirtless African American man standing over a woman laying down Creator: Wyd. Galerja Polska Krako_w. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Log In Required
3. Youyou : an African American man in shorts and no shirt Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Log In Required
4. Your next move : six African American children sitting on a cart with an old man pushing it and another man holding a baby : with a dog in the front Creator: Knaffl & Bro. (Knoxville, Tenn.) Date: 1899 approx. Format: Still image Access: Public
5. Your dime savings bank : an African American beggar Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
7. A young African American woman standing outside a house wearing a coat and scarf Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
8. A young African American woman sitting in a chair leaning on a table, wearing a coat and hat Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
9. An young African American woman in a dress holding a basket full of cotton standing in a cotton field Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
10. A young African American girl standing on a table, in a dress Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public