2. 16th Sunday after Pentecost, "On Good Example;" Luke 14:1. Creator: Archer, James, 1751-1834 Date: between 1788 and 1826 Format: Text Access: Public
4. 3 cut nails attributed to be from the first Georgia Methodist church in which Asbury held conference Date: between 1799 and 1750 Format: Artifact Access: Public
6. 6 clear glass communion cups used by Emory chaplains during World War I Date: 1917 Format: Artifact Access: Public
8. A. Burger Family Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 1 Creator: A. Burger Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public
10. Ad Serenissimu[m] Principem [et] D[omi]n[u]m Do. Carolum V. : Rho. Caes. Impe. Aug. Hispaniarum rc̄. Rege[m]. Archiducem Austrie rc̄. Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
11. Adami Siberi Psalterii, seu, Carminum Dauidicorum libri V. Date: 1562 Format: Text Access: Public
12. Address to educated young men on their duties to their country Creator: Ballantine, Henry, 1813-1865. Date: 1855 Format: Text Access: Public
13. Advice to the people called Methodists Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1745 Format: Text Access: Public
14. The African girl and other stories = kāphara mulagī, ekā Khristī māṇsācem maraṇ, āṇi paścāttāpācī goshṭ. Date: 1850 Format: Text Access: Public
15. Agenda, das ist, Kyrchenordnung : wie sich die Pfarrherrn vnd Seelsorger in jren Ampten vnd diensten halten sollen : fur die Diener der Kyrchen in Hertzog Heinrichen zu Sachsen, V.G.H. Fürstenthumb gestellet. Date: 1540 Format: Text Access: Public
16. Ain Beweysung, das der war Messias kom[m]en sey, des die Juden noch on Vrsach zůkünfftig sein, warte[n] Creator: Samuel, Marochitanus. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
17. Ain schrifft Philippi Melanchthon wider die artickel der Baurschafft. Creator: Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. Date: 1525 Format: Text Access: Public
19. Ain sermon vo[n] der Beraitung tzüm sterbe[n] Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
20. Ainn Sermon oder Predigt von der Aufferstehung Christi Creator: Alber, Mattha?us, 1495-1570. Date: 1531 Format: Text Access: Public
22. The almost Christian: a sermon preach'd at St. Mary's, Oxford, before the University, on July 25. MDCCXLI. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1747 Format: Text Access: Public
23. Altes Preussen Wappen Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 1 Creator: Altes Preussen Wappen Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public
24. Am. [sic] Sermon. zü sant Mychael getho[n] zu Erffordt auff den tag der aylff Tausent junckfrauwen vom glauben vnd wercken Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
25. Analectus siue libellus collectaneorum, continens tres tractatus de praecipuis capitibus doctrinae Christianae, quae à Papistis corrumpuntur, & oppugnantur Creator: Selneccer, Nicolaus, 1530-1592. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
26. Anatome propositionvm Alberti Hardenbergii de Coena Domini, quas exhibuit ordinibus Saxoniae inferioris in conuentu Brunsuigensi : additae sunt etiam propositiones Ministrorum Ecclesiae Bremensis : et declaratio articvli decimi in Confessione Augustana de coena Domini, sumpta ex publicis Confesionibus et historiis nostrorum temporum Creator: Chemnitz, Martin, 1522-1586, author. Date: 1561 Format: Text Access: Public
27. An answer to all that is material in letters just published, under the name of the Reverend Mr. Hervey Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1765 Format: Text Access: Public
28. An answer to all which the Revd. Dr. Gill has printed on the final perseverance of the saints Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1754 Format: Text Access: Public
29. An answer to Aspasio vindicated in eleven letters: : said to be wrote by the late Rev. Mr. James Hervey. Creator: Sellon, Walter. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
30. An appendix to a piece, intitled Some reflections on the nature of original sin, baptismal regeneration, &c. : in which some notice is taken of the mistakes of a learned author Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
31. An appendix to a piece, intitled Some reflections on the nature of original sin, baptismal regeneration, &c. : in which some notice is taken of the mistakes of a learned author Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
32. Appenzel Family Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 1 Creator: Appenzel Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public
33. Artickel so yetzund vorgerrendt [sic] von der gemeynen bauwerschafft, die sich allenthalben zuosammem rottet vonn wegen der warheit beystandt zuo thuon : mitsampt verantwort vnnd gütlichem bescheydt genanter bauwerschafft. Date: 1525 Format: Text Access: Public
34. Articuli super celebratione Missarum, Sacramenti Panis & Vini : & discrimine praecepti & promissionis, & alijs Creator: Karlstadt, Andreas Rudolff-Bodenstein von, 1486-1541. Date: 1521 Format: Text Access: Public
36. Auff das Vermeint Keiserlich Edict : Ausgangen jm 1531 jare nach dem Reichs tage des 1530 Jars. Glosa. Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
37. Augspurgisches Iubel-Gedächtnüs, : das ist, alle sin[n]reiche Inventiones oder so genandte Iubel-Gemählde welche im Jahr Christi 1730. auf das von einer hohen Obrigkeit A.C. alhier verordnete und mit der sämtlichen Evangelischen Kirchen wegen der anno 1530. den 25. Iuny dem Kayser, Churfürsten, Fürsten, und Ständ des Heiligen Röm. Reichs nach ihrer Ablesung übergebene[n] Confession danckbarlich zu celebrirende Iubel-Fest Date: 1730 Format: Text Access: Public
38. Auslegu[n]g der Evangelienn, von Ostern biss auffs Advent Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
39. Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien vom Aduent an bis auff Ostern Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
40. Auslegung der Euangelien, an den furnemesten Festen jm ganzen Jar Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
41. Auslegung der zehen Gebot aus dem xix. vnd xx. Capitel des andern Buchs Mosi Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: 1528 Format: Text Access: Public
42. Auslegunge der Episteln vn[d] Euangelien von der heyligen drey Königefest bis auff Ostern Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
43. Aüsslegung der ersten acht Capitel der Episteln S. Pauli an die Römer Creator: Spangenberg, Cyriacus, 1528-1604. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
44. Aüsslegung der Letsten Acht Capitel der Episteln S. Pauli an die Römer. Creator: Spangenberg, Cyriacus, 1528-1604. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
45. Auszlgung der Epistelln vnd Euangelien die nach brauch der Kirchen gelesen werden, vom Aduent biss auf den Sonntag Epiphanie Creator: Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
46. Ayodhyece nabāba : Ayodhyā va Lakhanau yethīla sthalavarṇanāsaha / Creator: Pārasanīsa, Dattātraya Baḷavanta, 1870-1926. Date: 1899 Format: Text Access: Public
47. Bailard Family Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 1 Creator: Bailard Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public
48. Bajirava Ballala alias Bajirava I, second Peshva Creator: Bāpaṭa, Nāgeśa Vināyaka. Date: 1895 Format: Text Access: Public
49. Baron de Rocc Family Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 1 Creator: Baron de Rocc Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public
50. Baron von Mary Bern Family Wax Seal circa 1500-1779 1 of 3 Creator: Baron von Mary Bern Date: between 1300 and 1799 Format: Artifact Access: Public