3. "He that believeth shall not make haste" : a sermon preached on the first of January, 1865, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond Creator: Minnigerode, Charles, 1814-1894. Date: 1865 Format: Text Access: Public
5. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" : on our own side of the border, 1916 : recent American history Date: 1916 Format: Text Access: Public
6. "New wine not to be put into old bottles" : a sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Friday, February 28th, 1862, being the day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, appointed by the President of the Confederate States Creator: Elliott, Stephen, 1806-1866. Date: 1862 Format: Text Access: Public
7. "Our Father's care" : a ballad Creator: Sewell, Mrs. (Mary), 1797-1884. Date: 1864 Format: Text Access: Public
8. "Our father's house," and family : past, present and future Creator: Embry, J. C. (James Crawford), 1834-1897. Date: unknown Format: Text Access: Public
9. "Samson's riddle" : a sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Friday, March 27th, 1863 : being the day of humiliation, fasting and prayer, appointed by the president of the Confederate States Creator: Elliott, Stephen, 1806-1866. Date: 1863 Format: Text Access: Public
11. "So He giveth His beloved sleep" : the farewell message to his clergy : the address delivered at the funeral Creator: Elliott, Stephen, 1806-1866. Date: 1861 Format: Text Access: Public
13. "Suffering disciples rejoicing in persecution," Acts 5: 41 : the introductory discourse, delivered before the Georgia Baptist Convention, at Americus, Georgia, April, 1858 Creator: Sherwood, Adiel, 1791-1879. Date: 1861 Format: Text Access: Public
14. "The plunger" : a turf tragedy of five-and-twenty years ago Creator: Smart, Hawley, 1833-1893. Date: 1891 Format: Text Access: Public
15. "The primary needs of the Negro race" : an address delivered before the Alumni Association of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1899 Format: Text Access: Public
17. "Uncle Tom's story of his life" : an autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson (Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom") : from 1789 to 1876 Creator: Henson, Josiah, 1789-1883. Date: 1876 Format: Text Access: Public
18. "Vain is the help of man" : a sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September 15, 1864, being the day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, appointed by the governor of the state of Georgia Creator: Elliott, Stephen, 1806-1866. Date: 1864 Format: Text Access: Public
19. "What will he do with it?" : an essay, delivered in Masonic Hall, Savannah, on Thursday, October 27, 1863, and again by special request, on Monday, December 7, 1863, for the benefit of the Wayside Home, in Savannah, and repeated with slight alterations for similar objects in Augusta, Milledgeville, Macon, Altanta, LaGrange and Columbus Creator: Gordon, George A. (George Anderson) Date: 1863 Format: Text Access: Public
21. 11th quadrennial report of Wilberforce University : to the General Conference of the A.M.E. Church, assembled in the twenty-third quadrennial session, at Norfolk, Va., May 4, 1908. Date: 1908 Format: Text Access: Public
23. 16th Sunday after Pentecost, "On Good Example;" Luke 14:1. Creator: Archer, James, 1751-1834 Date: between 1788 and 1826 Format: Text Access: Public
24. 1897 directory of F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia : containing the names and addresses of all the officers and members, together with the meeting night of every Lodge of F.A.A.M. in D.C. : also the officers, etc., of the Grand Lodge. Date: 1897 Format: Text Access: Public
29. [Circular letter on organization of troops, election, appointment and rank of officers : terms of acceptance, arms and equipments ; muster into service, pay, bounty, &c. ; supplies and allowances ; furloughs, discharges, resignations, &c. Date: 1862 Format: Text Access: Public
30. [Letter of William S. Morris, president of the southern telegraph companies, to J.H. Reagan, postmaster-general of the Confederate States of America]. Creator: Morris, W. S. (William S.) Date: 1862 Format: Text Access: Public
31. [Ordinances and amendments relative to the customs and post offices. Date: 1850 Format: Text Access: Public
32. A.M.E. church ecclesiastical judicial practice Creator: Butler, William Henry H., 1849- Date: 1914 Format: Text Access: Public
33. A.M.E. church ecclesiastical judicial practice Creator: Butler, William Henry H., 1849- Date: 1911 Format: Text Access: Public
34. The A.M.E. episcopacy : a paper read before the Baltimore A.M.E. Preacher's Meeting Creator: Norris, John William, 1842- Date: 1916 Format: Text Access: Public
35. An abridgment of Ainsworth's dictionary : English and Latin, designed for the use of schools Creator: Ainsworth, Robert, 1660-1743. Date: 1829 Format: Text Access: Public
36. The accessible campus : supporting students, faculty, and staff with disabilities Creator: Field, Kelly, author. Date: 2023 Format: Text Access: Log In Required
37. An account of some of the most important diseases peculiar to women Creator: Gooch, Robert, 1784-1830. Date: 1836 Format: Text Access: Public
38. An account of the life, lectures, and writings of William Cullen Creator: Thomson, John, 1765-1846. Date: 1859 Format: Text Access: Public
39. An account of the life, lectures, and writings of William Cullen Creator: Thomson, John, 1765-1846. Date: 1859 Format: Text Access: Public
40. The ace of hearts Creator: Du Boisgobey, Fortune?, 1821-1891. Date: 1889 Format: Text Access: Public
41. An act to raise troops to meet the requisition on Virginia by the President of the Confederate States, passed February 10, 1862 ... Date: 1862 Format: Text Access: Public
42. Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Virginia : passed at the extra session, commenced December 4, 1862, in the 87th year of the commonwealth. Date: 1863 Format: Text Access: Public
43. Acts of the General Assembly, passed at the extra session, held May sixth, 1862, at the city of Wheeling. Date: 1862 Format: Text Access: Public
44. The address Creator: Nisbet, Eugenius Aristides, 1803-1871. Date: 1861 Format: Text Access: Public
45. Address at the Installation of the Gamma Chapter of Georgia of Phi Beta Kappa Date: 1915 Format: Text Access: Public
46. Address by Bishop Benjamin William Arnett, D.D., Wednesday evening, Oct. 11, 1899, at Music Hall, Chicago. Creator: Arnett, Benjamin William, 1838-1906. Date: 1899 Format: Text Access: Public
47. Address delivered at St. Paul's Church, Augusta, before a portion of the Clinch Rifles, on Sunday morning, May 5, 1861 Creator: Ford, Edward E. (Edward Eugene), 1795-1862. Date: 1861 Format: Text Access: Public
48. Address delivered at the high school commencement, Glascow, Missouri Creator: Fulbright, W. R. Date: 1913 Format: Text Access: Public
49. An address delivered by Prof. W.S. Scarborough, of Wilberforce University, on our political status, at the Colored Men's Inter-State Conference, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa., Tuesday, April 29, 1884. Creator: Scarborough, W. S. (William Sanders), 1852-1926. Date: 1884 Format: Text Access: Public
50. Address of President Roosevelt at the Corcoran art gallery, at the Saint Gaudens exhibition, on Tuesday evening, December 15, 1908. Date: 1908 Format: Text Access: Public