1. Serious considerations on absolute predestination. Creator: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. Date: 1741 Format: Text Access: Public
3. Engraving of "The John Wesley Missionary Ship" Creator: Baxter, George Date: between 1850 and 1899 Format: Still image Access: Public
4. An extract of Mr. Richard Baxter's Aphorisms of justification. Creator: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. Date: 1745 Format: Text Access: Public
5. Engraving of "John Wesley and His Friends at Oxford" Creator: Bellin, Samuel Date: between 1800 and 1900 Format: Still image Access: Public
6. The Christian sacrament and sacrifice Creator: Brevint, Daniel, 1616-1695. Date: 1754 Format: Text Access: Public
7. Engraving of "John Wesley, A. M." Creator: Bromley, William Date: April 1, 1791 Format: Still image Access: Public
8. The Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. Creator: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
9. Engraving of "Mrs. Susannah Wesley (Mother of John Wesley)" Creator: Buttre, J. C. Date: between 1800 and 1899 Format: Still image Access: Public
10. Engraving of Charles Wesley, "From an Original Painting in the possession of the Family" Creator: Dean, Thomas A. Date: between 1800 and 1859 Format: Still image Access: Public
11. Thoughts concerning the revival of religion in New-England. Creator: Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758. Date: 1745 Format: Text Access: Public
12. The manners of the antient Christians. Creator: Fleury, Claude, 1640-1723. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
13. Nicodemus, or, A treatise on the fear of man. Creator: Francke, August Hermann, 1663-1727. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
14. Letter from Richard Freeman to John Wesley - 1779 Creator: Freeman, Richard Date: 1779 Format: Text Access: Public
15. Engraving of "The Revd. John Wesley, M.A. Aged 85" Creator: Gardiner, William Nelson Date: 1788 Format: Still image Access: Public
16. Engraving of "The Ordination of Bishop Asbury and Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Dec. 27th, 1784 at the Christmas Conference held in Lovely Lane Chapel, Baltimore, Md." Creator: Gilchrist, A. Date: 1882 Format: Still image Access: Public
18. An extract of the life and death of Mr. Thomas Haliburton. Creator: Halyburton, Thomas, 1674-1712. Date: 1747 Format: Text Access: Public
19. A short account of the death of Thomas Hitchens. Creator: Hitchens, James, Tinner. Date: 1751 Format: Text Access: Public
20. A short account of the death of Samuel Hitchens Creator: Hitchens, James. Date: 1746 Format: Text Access: Public
21. A short account of God's dealings with Mr. Thomas Hogg Creator: Hogg, Thomas, -1750. Date: 1769 Format: Text Access: Public
22. A short account of God's dealings with Mr. Thomas Hogg. Creator: Hogg, Thomas, -1750. Date: 1750 Format: Text Access: Public
23. A short account of God's dealings with Mr. Thomas Hogg Creator: Hogg, Thomas, -1750. Date: 1769 Format: Text Access: Public
24. Engraving of "The Revd. John Wesley, A.M." Creator: Holloway, T. Date: 1791 Format: Still image Access: Public
25. Engraving of "The Revd. John Wesley. A.M." Creator: Holloway, Thomas Date: 1792 Format: Still image Access: Public
26. Engraving of "The Revd. Mr. John Wesley, M.A. Fellow of Lincoln Colledge [sic], Oxford" Creator: Houston, R. Date: 1780 Format: Still image Access: Public
27. Engraving of "The Revd. John Wesley, M.A., Preaching on his Father's Tombstone in Epworth Churchyard" Creator: Hunt, J. B. Date: between 1800 and 1900 Format: Still image Access: Public
28. Hymns on the great festivals, and other occasions. Creator: Lampe, John Frederick, 1703?-1751. Date: 1753 Format: Text Access: Public
29. Serious thoughts concerning godfathers and godmothers Creator: Law, William, 1686-1761. Date: 1743 Format: Text Access: Public
30. A serious answer to Dr. Trapp's Four sermons on the sin, folly and danger of being righteous over much. Creator: Law, William, 1686-1761. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
31. The nature and design of Christianity. Creator: Law, William, 1686-1761. Date: 1784 Format: Text Access: Public
32. The nature and design of Christianity : extracted from a late author. Creator: Law, William, 1686-1761. Date: 1765 Format: Text Access: Public
34. Engraving of John Wesley, James Hamilton, M.D., and Rev. Joseph Cole Creator: Longacre, J. B. Date: between 1870 and 1879 Format: Still image Access: Public
35. Engraving of John Wesley, James Hamilton, M.D., and Rev. Joseph Cole Creator: Longrace, J. B. Date: between 1865 and 1885 Format: Still image Access: Public
36. Priestcraft defended: A sermon occasioned by the expulsion of six young gentlemen from the University of Oxford, for praying, reading, and expounding the scriptures. Humbly dedicated to Mr. V--- C---r and the H--ds of H----s, Creator: Macgowan, John, 1726-1780. Date: 1769 Format: Text Access: Public
37. Bust of John Wesley Creator: Manning, Samuel Date: between 1800 and 1899 Format: Artifact Access: Public
38. Engraving of "Rev. John Wesley, MA: Late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford" Creator: Martyn Date: between 1791 and 1899 Format: Still image Access: Public
39. A treatise on Christian prudence Creator: Norris, John, 1657-1711. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
40. A hymn to the God of Abraham : In three parts : adapted to a celebrated air, sung by the priest, Signior Leoni, &c., at the Jews' Synagogue, in London Creator: Olivers, Thomas, 1725-1799. Date: 1773 Format: Text Access: Public
41. Engraving of "Revd. John Wesley" Creator: Page, R. and Edridge, H. Date: May 11, 1823 Format: Still image Access: Public
42. Some strictures on a few places of the late Reverend Mr. Hervey's letters to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1766 Format: Text Access: Public
43. An appendix to a piece, intitled Some reflections on the nature of original sin, baptismal regeneration, &c. : in which some notice is taken of the mistakes of a learned author Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
44. An appendix to a piece, intitled Some reflections on the nature of original sin, baptismal regeneration, &c. : in which some notice is taken of the mistakes of a learned author Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
45. Some strictures on a few places of the late Reverend Mr. Hervey's letters to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley Creator: Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1785. Date: 1766 Format: Text Access: Public
46. Engraving of John Wesley Creator: Ritchie, A. H. Date: between 1800 and 1899 Format: Still image Access: Public
47. Engraving of John Wesley Creator: Ritchie, A. H. Date: between 1800 and 1899 Format: Still image Access: Public
48. Engraving of "John Wesley A.M." Creator: Rogers, J. Date: 1828 Format: Still image Access: Public
49. An extract of the life of Monsieur de Renty : A late nobleman of France Creator: Saint-Jure, Jean-Baptiste, 1588-1657. Date: 1760 Format: Text Access: Public
50. An extract of the life of Monsieur de Renty, a late nobleman of France Creator: Saint-Jure, Jean-Baptiste, 1588-1657. Date: 1746 Format: Text Access: Public
51. The life of God in the soul of man: : or, The nature and excellency of the Christian religion. Creator: Scougal, Henry, 1650-1678. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
52. An answer to Aspasio vindicated in eleven letters: : said to be wrote by the late Rev. Mr. James Hervey. Creator: Sellon, Walter. Date: 1767 Format: Text Access: Public
53. Engraving of "The Revd. Mr. John Wesley, M.A. Fellow of Lincoln Colledge [sic], Oxford" Creator: Watson, James Date: 1765 Format: Still image Access: Public
54. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, London - October 20, 1753 Creator: Welsey, John, 1703-1791 Date: October 20, 1753 Format: Text Access: Public
55. Letter from Charles Wesley to John Wesley - October 23-24, 1740 Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788 Date: circa October 23, 1740 Format: Text Access: Public
56. A sermon preach'd on Sunday April 4, 1742; before the University of Oxford. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1742 Format: Text Access: Public
57. A short account of the death of Mrs. Hannah Richardson. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1741 Format: Text Access: Public
58. An epistle to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1755 Format: Text Access: Public
59. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
60. The life of faith, : exemplified in the eleventh chapter of St. Paul's epistle to the Hebrews. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1740 Format: Text Access: Public
61. Hymns for those that seek, and those that have redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1747 Format: Text Access: Public
62. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
63. Gloria Patrie, &c. : or, Hymns to the Trinity. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1757 Format: Text Access: Public
64. Hymns on the expected invasion 1759. Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1759 Format: Text Access: Public
65. Letter from John Wesley to "My Dear Brother," [unaddressed], Birmingham - August 7, 1787 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: August 7, 1787 Format: Text Access: Public
66. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Epworth, England - April 16, 1752 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 16, 1752 Format: Text Access: Public
67. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, Athlone - August 8, 1752 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: August 8, 1752 Format: Text Access: Public
68. Letter from John Wesley to Mary (Goldhwak/Vazeille) Wesley - April 2, 1751 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 2, 1751 Format: Text Access: Public
69. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Castlebar, Ireland - June 5, 1758 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: June 5, 1758 Format: Text Access: Public
70. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Bandon - July 12, 1758 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 12, 1758 Format: Text Access: Public
71. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, London - October 31, 1753 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: October 31, 1753 Format: Text Access: Public
72. Letter from John Wesley to Samuel Furly, York - July 12, 1757 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 12, 1757 Format: Text Access: Public
73. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Dublin - July 28, 1762 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 28, 1762 Format: Text Access: Public
74. Letter from John Wesley to Elizabeth (Harvey) Woodhouse, Hutton Rudby - April 23, 1764 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 23, 1764 Format: Text Access: Public
75. Letter from John Wesley to "Sally" Sarah Moore Knutton, Leeds - July 5, 1764 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 5, 1764 Format: Text Access: Public
76. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Norwich - August 15, 1761 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: August 15, 1761 Format: Text Access: Public
77. Letter from John Wesley to Thomas Rankin, London - November 6, 1764 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: November 6, 1764 Format: Text Access: Public
78. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, London - December 7, 1764 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: December 7, 1764 Format: Text Access: Public
79. Letter from John Wesley to Thomas Rankin, London - November 2, 1764 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: November 2, 1764 Format: Text Access: Public
80. Letter from John Wesley to Charles Wesley, London - January 11, 1765 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: January 11, 1765 Format: Text Access: Public
81. Letter from John Wesley to Mary Bosanque Fletcher, London - January 2, 1770 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: January 2, 1770 Format: Text Access: Public
82. Letter from John Wesley to Hannah Ball, London - January 24, 1771 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: January 24, 1771 Format: Text Access: Public
83. Letter from John Wesley to Matthew [Lowes], London - March 2, 1770 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: March 2, 1770 Format: Text Access: Public
84. Letter from John Wesley to Henry Moore, London - November 4, 1786 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: November 4, 1786 Format: Text Access: Public
85. Letter from John Wesley to Sarah Crosby - October 18, 1786 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: October 18, 1786 Format: Text Access: Public
86. Letter from John Wesley to Ann (Foard) Thornton, London - February 4, 1787 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: February 4, 1787 Format: Text Access: Public
87. Letter from John Wesley to "My Dear Brother," [unaddressed], Dublin - July 2, 1787 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 2, 1787 Format: Text Access: Public
88. Letter from John Wesley to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley, Manchester - April 12, 1788 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 12, 1788 Format: Text Access: Public
89. Letter from John Wesley to Sarah Wesley, Blackburn - April 21, 1788 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 21, 1788 Format: Text Access: Public
90. Letter from John Wesley to Catherine Warren, near London - July 22, 1788 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 22, 1788 Format: Text Access: Public
91. Letter from John Wesley to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley, City Road [London] - July 25, 1788 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: July 25, 1788 Format: Text Access: Public
92. Letter from John Wesley to Sarah (Gwynne) Wesley, North Green - August 7, 1877 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: August 7, 1788 Format: Text Access: Public
93. Letter from John Wesley to Jane Bisson Cock (Jane Cork?), Dublin - April 7, 1789 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 7, 1789 Format: Text Access: Public
94. Letter from John Wesley to George Baldwin, Kingswood - March 14, 1789 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: March 14, 1789 Format: Text Access: Public
95. Letter from John Wesley to Robert Hall, Jr., Leeds - September 6, 1783 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: September 6, 1783 Format: Text Access: Public
96. Letter from John Wesley to Richard Rodda, Bristol - October 3, 1783 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: October 3, 1783 Format: Text Access: Public
97. Letter from John Wesley to John Bredin, Londonderry - June 1, 1789 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: June 1, 1789 Format: Text Access: Public
98. Letter from John Wesley to George Holder, near London - November 29, 1789 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: November 29, 1789 Format: Text Access: Public
99. Letter from John Wesley to Jane (Bisson) Cock (Jane Cork?) - November 3, 1789 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: November 3, 1789 Format: Text Access: Public
100. Letter from John Wesley to Howell Harris, Newcastle upon Tyne - March 3, 1746 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: March 3, 1746 Format: Text Access: Public