51. Small knife with double edge, in red Moroccan leather case Date: 1830 to 1925 Format: Artifact Access: Public
52. Southern Cross of Honor medal given to Dr. George Washington Peddy by the United Daughters of the Confederacy Date: 1898 approx. Format: Artifact Access: Public
53. Three items from Atlanta Medical College: First Honor Class Medal awarded to M. G. Campbell, class of 1894, Steel engraving plate, Emory University office of the Dean, and a steel cut of Grady Hospital. Additionally from A. W. Calhoun Medical Library, an embossing seal housed in a black leather case Date: 1854 to 1915 Format: Artifact Access: Public
54. Two-sided leather doctor’s bag containing 27 vials of medicine including chloroform, ether, ipecac syrup and potassium chlorate Date: 1880 to 1900 Format: Artifact Access: Public
55. Two-sided leather pill satchel containing 18 vials of medicine Date: 1870 to 1920 Format: Artifact Access: Public
56. Two-sided leather saddlebag containing 35 vials of medicine Creator: Curd & Sinton Manufacturing Co. Date: 1850 to 1900 Format: Artifact Access: Public
57. Two-sided leather saddlebag containing 6 vials of medicine Date: 1882 to 1913 Format: Artifact Access: Public
58. Urological instrument kit owned by Dr. O. H. Weaver Date: 1900 to 1950 Format: Artifact Access: Public
59. Various medical equipment including a cataract needle, a metal caliper, a hook used for blood-letting, and a thermometer Date: 1832 to 1925 Format: Artifact Access: Public
60. Various medical instruments including an otoscope and an endaural speculum in a case owned by Dr. G. Pope Huguley Creator: Becton-Dickinson, Welch Allyn, Inc., and J. Sklar Manufacturing Co. Date: 1890 to 1965 Format: Artifact Access: Public