24. A complete course in hair straightening and beauty culture Creator: Lynk, B. S. (Beebe Steven), 1872- Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
25. The constitution and statutes of the most worshipful Grand Lodge of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York (Prince Hall Constitution). Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
26. Diary of Yun Ch'i-ho - 1919 Creator: Yun, Ch'i-ho, 1865-1945 Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
33. Facts about "The birth of a new nation" Creator: Lytle, George Walter. Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
35. History of the American Negro in the Great World War : his splendid record in the battle zones of Europe : including a resume of his past services to his country in the wars of the revolution, of 1812, the war of the rebellion, the Indian wars on the frontier, the Spanish-American war, and the late imbroglio with Mexico Creator: Sweeney, William Allison, 1851- Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
36. The immediate jewel of his soul : a romance Creator: Dreer, Herman, 1889- Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
37. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for human rights : an intensely human and brilliant account of the World War : why America entered the conflict : what the allies fought for : and a thrilling account of the important part taken by the Negro in the tragic defeat of Germany : the downfall of autocracy, and complete victory for the cause of righteousness and freedom : including a wonderful array of striking pictures made from recent official photographs, illustrating and describing the new and awful devices used in the horrible methods of modern warfare, together with remarkable pictures of the Negro in action in both army and navy Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
38. Minutes and year book of the South Georgia Conference of the M. E. Church, South ... session, 1919 Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
39. Missionary activities among the women of the Pittsburg Conference Branch Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
40. The mulatto in the United States Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public