2. Address of welcome : given at a reception tendered to the men who have returned from the battle front by the Men's Progressive Club of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church April 24, 1919 Creator: Grimke?, Francis J. (Francis James), 1850-1937. Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
3. Facts about "The birth of a new nation" Creator: Lytle, George Walter. Date: 1919 Format: Text Access: Public
4. Year book of the Northern California branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Date: 1918 Format: Text Access: Public
5. The disgrace of democracy : open letter to President Woodrow Wilson Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1917 Format: Text Access: Public
6. The ultimate effects of segregation & discrimination : the seldom thought on the Negro problem Creator: Pickens, William, 1881-1954. Date: 1915 Format: Text Access: Public
7. Segregation : the caste system, and the civil service Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1914 Format: Text Access: Public
8. Crossing the line : a little light on a dark subject Creator: McDuffie, S. Douglass. Date: 1913 Format: Text Access: Public
9. Gideon bands for work within the race and for work without the race : a message to the colored people of the United States : a discourse delivered in the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C., Sunday, March the 2nd, 1913 Date: 1913 Format: Text Access: Public
10. The political plight of the Negro Creator: Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Date: 1913 Format: Text Access: Public