1. A young Zulu woman sitting on a stool wearing only a short skirt Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Reading Room Only
3. A young man seated on a footstool by an old fashioned radio with a clock on top with a guitar leaning against the radio Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
4. Young girl in dress standing next to a potted plant on a stool Creator: Dixie ... Studio. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
5. Young girl eating seated at a small table in living room with several dolls next to her on the floor and on a couple of stools Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
6. Young boy standing next to a puppy on a stool resting his arm on the stool Creator: Plummer, Harry L. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
7. Young African American boy wearing a suit seated with his legs crossed on a round stool in a living room Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
8. Willie Tharsk and another man in chef and waiter clothes Date: October 12, year unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
9. White scholar holding Holy Bible and giving a spelling book to black child on stool Creator: Parsons. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public
10. Two African American girls in matching dresses and hats, with one sitting on a stool Creator: Hilton Studio. Date: unknown Format: Still image Access: Public