1. An account of household linen and blankets, in Bristol Creator: Wesley, Sarah (Gwynne), 1726-1822 Date: between 1749 and 1766 Format: Text Access: Public
2. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
3. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
4. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes [Volume 1] Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
5. Hymns and sacred poems : in two volumes [Volume 2] Creator: Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
6. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, London - December 18, 1749 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: December 18, 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
7. A letter to a friend concerning tea. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
8. A letter to a Roman Catholick. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
9. A letter to the Reverend Dr. Conyers Middleton : occasioned by his late Free enquiry. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
10. A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London: : occasioned by his Lordship's late charge to his clergy. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
11. The manners of the antient Christians. Creator: Fleury, Claude, 1640-1723. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
12. Nicodemus, or, A treatise on the fear of man. Creator: Francke, August Hermann, 1663-1727. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
13. A plain account of the people called Methodists : In a letter to the Revd. Mr. Perronet, Vicar of Shoreham in Kent Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
14. A serious answer to Dr. Trapp's Four sermons on the sin, folly and danger of being righteous over much. Creator: Law, William, 1686-1761. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
15. A treatise on Christian prudence Creator: Norris, John, 1657-1711. Date: 1749 Format: Text Access: Public
16. All'Emo., e Rmo. Sigr. Pne. Colmo., Il Sig.r Cardinale Alessandro Albani Emo., e Rmo. principe ardisco d'offerire all'Emza. Vra. ristretta in questa picciola Pianta la nuova Topografia di Roma : con sicurezza, che ella sara? per benignamente accoglierla, non come opra mia, ma come cosa, che dalla medesima ha'avuto il principe e'l compimento, animato da V.E. m'accinsi all'Impresa e assistito dalla Sua valida Protezione l'ho? a? fine ridotta-- Creator: Nolli, Giambattista, approximately 1692-1756. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
17. Janua Hebrææ linguæ Veteris Testamenti in qua totius codicis Hebræi vocabula una cum radicibus et grammatica vocum difficiliorum analysi comparent : eum in finem ut sanctioris hujus linguæ studiosi facilius eandem addiscere, et sine taediosa vocum evolut Creator: Reineccius, Christian, 1668-1752. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
18. Letter from John Wesley to Ebenezer Blackwell, Dublin - April 20, 1748 Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 Date: April 20, 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
19. A letter to a clergyman. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public
20. A letter to a person lately join'd with the people call'd Quakers. : In answer to a letter wrote by him. Creator: Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Date: 1748 Format: Text Access: Public