Davis, Robert F. Commissioning Bill for $15.10 Written by Lieutenant Robert F. Davis. Davis Served in Company E of the 7th Georgia Infantry Regiment - September, 1864. 1864. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Box 2, Folder 52.
APA, 6th edition
Davis, R. F. (1864). Commissioning Bill for $15.10 written by Lieutenant Robert F. Davis. Davis served in Company E of the 7th Georgia Infantry Regiment - September, 1864 (Box 2, Folder 52) [Invoices]. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
Davis, Robert F. “Commissioning Bill for $15.10 Written by Lieutenant Robert F. Davis. Davis Served in Company E of the 7th Georgia Infantry Regiment - September, 1864.” Invoices. Civil War Collection, 1864. Box 2, Folder 52. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.