Zeller, E. Jerome. Student Affairs, Administrative Materials - Letter from E. Jerome Zeller, Dean of Students, to William Griffith, Assistant to the Provost for Student Affairs at Duke University, Regarding University Approaches to Student Protests - March 5, 1969. 1969. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Box 52, Folder 1.
APA, 6th edition
Zeller, E. J. (1969). Student Affairs, administrative materials - Letter from E. Jerome Zeller, Dean of Students, to William Griffith, Assistant to the Provost for Student Affairs at Duke University, regarding university approaches to student protests - March 5, 1969 (Box 52, Folder 1) [Letters (correspondence)]. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
Zeller, E. Jerome. “Student Affairs, Administrative Materials - Letter from E. Jerome Zeller, Dean of Students, to William Griffith, Assistant to the Provost for Student Affairs at Duke University, Regarding University Approaches to Student Protests - March 5, 1969.” Letters (correspondence). Office of the President Subject Files, 1969. Box 52, Folder 1. Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.