Palm Beach, Fla., Lake Drive North

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Other Identifiers:
dams:165846 and MSS1218_B071_I195
Emory University
Administrative Unit:
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
Box 71
Call Number:
MSS 1218
Contact Information:
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
About This Item

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Date Created:
Still image
Extent / Dimensions:
03.74 x 05.75 inches
This collection may include historical materials that are offensive or harmful. Historical records are evidence of the time in which they were created and often contain language and images that are racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, or otherwise derogatory and insensitive. This content does not reflect the values of Emory Libraries. If you are concerned about content in this collection, please complete our take down form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Description / Abstract:
Recto: Palm Beach, Fla. Lake Drive North; Verso: Post card, Jan. 3rd, 1910, Kissimmee, Jan 3, 1 PM, 1909, Fla., U.S. postage, one cent, The Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland, Me., U.S.A., 26566, Made in Germany, Palm Beach, Florida. The lake drive. On the shore of Lake Worth a broad promenade or drive, built of white coquina extends through an enchanting avenue of palms and close beside the sea. Fancy could invent nothing more charming than this drive taken in a winter temperature of 70 to 75 degrees. For miles along the lake front range beautiful and highly improved estates. A beautiful morning am feeling first rate. The then, about 70. Think our cold snap is about over. Many oranges mined, how serious will be ..., mined later, I wrote you yesterday. I wrote to Washington yesterday to what is the matter, suppose I will find out sometime, J. Stallard, Kassimme, Fla., Address only on this side, Mrs. Hattie Stallard, Rochester, Indiana
Subjects / Keywords
Subject - Geographic Locations:
Palm Beach (Fla.) and Portland (Me.)
Places, Florida
About This Item

This item is provided at low resolution only. Downloads are not permitted for this material.

Date Created:
Still image
Extent / Dimensions:
03.74 x 05.75 inches
This collection may include historical materials that are offensive or harmful. Historical records are evidence of the time in which they were created and often contain language and images that are racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, or otherwise derogatory and insensitive. This content does not reflect the values of Emory Libraries. If you are concerned about content in this collection, please complete our take down form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Description / Abstract:
Recto: Palm Beach, Fla. Lake Drive North; Verso: Post card, Jan. 3rd, 1910, Kissimmee, Jan 3, 1 PM, 1909, Fla., U.S. postage, one cent, The Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland, Me., U.S.A., 26566, Made in Germany, Palm Beach, Florida. The lake drive. On the shore of Lake Worth a broad promenade or drive, built of white coquina extends through an enchanting avenue of palms and close beside the sea. Fancy could invent nothing more charming than this drive taken in a winter temperature of 70 to 75 degrees. For miles along the lake front range beautiful and highly improved estates. A beautiful morning am feeling first rate. The then, about 70. Think our cold snap is about over. Many oranges mined, how serious will be ..., mined later, I wrote you yesterday. I wrote to Washington yesterday to what is the matter, suppose I will find out sometime, J. Stallard, Kassimme, Fla., Address only on this side, Mrs. Hattie Stallard, Rochester, Indiana
Subjects / Keywords
Subject - Geographic Locations:
Palm Beach (Fla.) and Portland (Me.)
Places, Florida
Find This Item
Other Identifiers:
dams:165846 and MSS1218_B071_I195
Emory University
Administrative Unit:
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
Box 71
Call Number:
MSS 1218
Contact Information:
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library